Top 5 Home Gymnastics Skill Shape Mats
For the past 25 years, AK Athletics has been a manufacturing high-quality gymnastics mats. Often our customers ask for a reference guide regarding the different styles and sizes available for home practice. We have narrowed down to the top five best mats to help gymnasts perfect form and build strength. Here is a break down of the assorted styles and sizes of our available mats. We highly recommend speaking with the coach or trainer to understand what the gymnast is currently using or what is expected for additional at home training.
Octagons are one of our most popular skill shape mats. The easy, steady roll provides the gymnast to maintain control and while building strength for tumbling. As the athlete rolls back, the octagon should meet above the buttocks. AK Athletic Equipment manufactures four different size octagon mats for training in the gym and at home.
Here are the standard size octagons that we have available on our website.
Back handspring mats can be referred to as pac man mats. These mats have a quicker roll than the gymnastics octagon mats. Also, great when teaching young gymnast backbends by learning proper form and strength building. Pac man back handsprings mats are ideal for students all sizes. Below is a chart for a general idea to find what back handspring mat will be best for your gymnast based off of height. AK Athletics always recommends consulting with the coach to confirm what dimension the gymnast is currently using.
Athletes Height
Ideal pac man mat size
52" tall and under
53" to 60" tall
61" to 68" tall
69" tall and above
AK Athletics manufactures 20” tall mailbox mat here in the U.S.A. Mailbox mats are perfect for home practice because they are easy to store and do not require a trainer or instructor. Gymnasts gain confidence when using our mailbox mats due to being a sturdy option to assist in backbends.
Trapezoids serve multiple purposes and used for all ages. Each section has a firm, fabric fastening strip to be easily stacked for various heights. Teaching the basics of jumping and vaulting for the beginner students at a lower level or stack to increase the challenge when students may need. The measurements of our trapezoids are, 4’ x 2 ½’ x 3’ and 4’ x 3’x 4’. Gymnastics trapezoid mats can also be used for cross training as “Plyo Boxes” and can be stacked for the desired height of the jumper.
Teach young, beginners the basics of tumbling by introducing a soft, lightweight training cylinder mat. AK Athletics 12” x 24” and 18” x 36” cylinder mats, provide plenty of support for comfort to gain confidence and proper form.
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